Polar Name Explorer

.NET Core Component

Polar Name Explorer .NET Core Component is a class library that allows your .NET applications to extract and parse names and surnames from text, get the gender of the name, and country of origin.

Benefits of Polar Name Explorer

Parses correct names fast

Splits full name into first and last name, title, qualifier and other name components.

Uses ranking analytics

Scores and ranks parsed and extracted name results, taking into consideration language and country origin.

Name Extraction

Extracts names from unstructured text with exact matching and named-entity recognition (NER) with a high accuracy.

Provides actionable insight

Identifies and classifies the country of association, gender, and parsing of a name, allowing for actionable business decisions.


Key features of Polar Name Explorer

Parsing personal name

Parses personal names into their constituent parts: first name, last name, titles, and qualifiers.
Determines how likely a personal name is associated with one or more country and first name part to gender.

Parse tree

Name parser creates a parse tree from the result of analyzing the structure of an input personal name.
The parse tree is a hierarchy that groups the elements of a name into structural units:
name tokens, name phrases, name fields, which combine to form a full personal name.

Personal name analysis

Identifies and classifies the most likely countries in which the first and last name is most often found.
Provides gender distribution statistics for the first name part of a personal name.
Generates lists that contain alternate (variant) forms of the components of first and last name.

Extracting name from unstructure text

Extracts personal names using exact machining on embedded name lists in combination with or without a machine learning (named-entity recognition (NER)) module. Thanks to the NER module, it is possible to extract names that do not exist in the built-in name list.


Single Developer


Most Popular
Team (4 Developers)


Single Developer
+ Source Code


Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I download the latest trial version ?

Get 30-Day Trial NuGet
What happens when the trial expires?
An exception is thrown, indicating that the trial is expired.

How does the licensing work?

Polar Name Explorere component licenses work with license keys. Each developer that uses the library must have a license key. Upon purchase, your license key will be sent to you. You may distribute your application to end users royalty free. A site license is for all the developers in a single building.

Is your license on a per-developer basis? Does each developer using your products require a license?

Yes. Each developer that uses our products must have their own license. We don't license per machine, per server, or demand any royalties or run-time fees. For more information, refer to our End-User License Agreement.

What are the most important product links?

GitHub - Polar Name Explorer SDK
NuGet package - on nuget.org website
GitHub issues support or write to support@polarsoftware.com
https://nameapp.polarsoftware.com - Demo website - Try the full functionality of the component through this demo website.

Get in Touch

For questions regarding Polar Name Explorer product, please use these community resources for getting help. We use the GitHub issues GitHub issues for tracking bugs and feature requests. Contact our support team: support@polarsoftware.com. We are available to assist with all your sales and technical queries.


Email: support@polarsoftware.com

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